Search with Casted

Be the expert on your own content
Search, filter, and access your complete content library with a single, dynamic search engine. When it’s easy to search through what you already have, it’s easy to select the videos and podcasts to reuse, repurpose, and amplify to drive growth.

It's finally possible to search all your content in one place
Search with Casted makes it possible for B2B marketers to search all of their content together in one place - and not by titles and tags, but also by scouring spoken wordin every podcast and video file in your library, all thanks to the transcriptions created for every single file.
Enhance the creative return on your content and extend the life of your podcasts and videos with Casted Search, the most powerful search engine available to marketers who use content to drive connections and conversions (so yeah, all B2B marketers).

Key Features
Quick and Easy Search
Search your full audio and video content library (and your written content, too, if your site is on Wordpress!)
Save Resources
Search before creating any new content to save time, resources, and budget for your marketing team
Make Sharing Easy
Find quotes, clips, takeaways, and items to share with target customers
Take your Content Further
Resurface forgotten, but valuable evergreen content in your library of existing videos and podcasts to add to custom, shareable Playlists
Actionable Insights to your Best Content
Take a Look at Casted

Experience Casted for Yourself
See how Casted empowers B2B marketers to maximize and measure their podcast and video content.